четверг, 1 мая 2014 г.

download Natural Family Planning (NFP) 2.4 for free

Natural Family Planning (NFP)

Health & Fitness

Download .apk

The Best Catholic Android App is finally here for the Domestic Church! The family, is so to speak, the domestic church (Lumen Gentium #11) and children are really the supreme gift of marriage and contribute very substantially to the welfare of their parents (Vatican II).

Natural Family Planning by Project Caruso is a new application created to assist in achieving and/or avoiding pregnancy for those using stamps, temperature, fertile/infertile, cervix observations, and personal notes.

"Natural Family Planning (NFP) comprises the family planning methods approved by the Roman Catholic Church for both achieving and avoiding pregnancy. In accordance with the Church's teachings regarding sexual behavior in keeping with its philosophy of the dignity of the human person, NFP excludes the use of other methods of birth control, which it refers to as "artificial contraception." " -Wikipedia

Current Features:

•Facebook Login

•Google Login

•Observation Charting

•Day History

•Seven Day History

•Temperature History

•Calendar History



•Online Push of Data

•Users defined colors for fertile, infertile, and menstruation

•Google Analytics

•"Please Rate Us" Dialog (after 3 days and launching it at least 7 times)

Future Ambitions & Goals:

Version 2.x

•More Body Sign

•Layout/Color Schemes

•Will allow you to track your spouse

Version 3.x

•Add ability to login with Twitter

•Syncing with multiple people. (For Practitioners)

•Track multiple people. (For Practitioners)

Version 4.0

•Website integration

Download .apk

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