воскресенье, 1 июня 2014 г.

download eGEO Compass Pro by IntGeoMod APK

eGEO Compass Pro by IntGeoMod


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Geological Compass for Android

by IntGeoMod 2013


Digital compass for geology.

Designed for the use in field surveys by geologists and engineers.

Allows the measure of both Dips (Dip-Azimuth and Dip-Angle) and Lineations of any surface/linear element without having to level the compass. Just lie down the phone on the plane or align its long side with the elongated element and click "Save".


- Internal DB storage - unlimited (hosting more than 2000 measurements is discouraged)

- GPS support for geo-tagging

- Support for overturned (younging) measures by long-press on "Save" button

- Projects tags to allow data filtering both in in-app features and in exported data

- Map preview with tap-on-measure detail retrieving

- CVS and KMZ export [paid feature]

- CSV import

- Declination correction (manual or automatic from GPS position)

- Measure averaging

Download .apk

Michael Bay,chael Bay's Platinum Dunes Making ' Zombies vs Robots 'Apparently Hollywood just wants to take all of the elements of most popular genre films, throw them in a hat and spit out some semblance of a story that pits them against one another. That seems the driving force behind Sony Pictures Picking up the Chris Ryall comic Zombies vs Robots his banner for a co-production with Michael Bay, Platinum Dunes production. Deadline says the writer J free eGEO Compass Pro by IntGeoMod 1.1.22 torrent download . Petty used the comic as the basis for a spec script, which he dubbed as inherit the earth. The story follows a young girl who is the last man on earth, protected by a group of robots as a pack of zombies that are intelligent and develops objective, they have to be killed. That the film is based on an existing property, but with all the robot fighting and zombie infused stories coming out, you'd think Hollywood could find something else to do. But if the cash cow is still pumping milk, I hack hack it for beef. Or something like that. Of course it's Cowboys & Aliens turns out to be a success, wardrobes,can bet there will be many more of these types of films in development heading. Hopefully we will not get to the point where audiences to to sucker sucker vs. Wardrobes, but with Hollywood , anything is possible. Thoughts?

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