пятница, 27 июня 2014 г.

download Medical Drug Quiz 1.3 apk free

Medical Drug Quiz


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For health professionals who wish to learn the generic and brand names for 250 drugs.

Incldues multiple-choice quiz, flashcards, and alphabetical listing.


- Create your own flashcards, multiple-choice and glossary

- Send multiple-choice quiz questions to friends

- Post score for global ranking

- Keep up to date with the Medical news feed

Keywords: Prescription, drugs, pharmaceuticals, medicine, medical

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TGB Episode 93: Profiling Soderbergh The Golden Briefcase is also broadcast live on Wednesday nights from ~ 7:30 PM PST download Medical Drug Quiz 1.3 apk . You can listen on our Ustream page or by visiting our own live page here on FS. The podcast can be heard just while much fun to live as it is recorded, with plenty of special guests, so I suggest you tune in the next time it records!

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