вторник, 29 июля 2014 г.

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At a political spin on things, even if they want it?But in the late 2000s, dance music with pop and hip-hop make a fuss make a fuss of escape, clubby fun. DJ culture is now about facilitating a party, and no one wants to be lectured on politics at a rowdy dance floor free torrent download . But much of this early, radical heritage to the younger on the younger and mainstream audiences. It is almost impossible for a DJ on tour and record at a mainstream level, or for fans to see them in action, without dealing with major entertainment companies -. A CEO is not necessarily a political venue attitude towards music. But when big-money clubs Vegas DJ and dance culture ride today, it does raise the question of how artists can freely speak politics while staying in their favor. - It's just is part of the traveling exhibition, there are different kinds of parties, and I do not think fall in love. Necessarily bad for the music, said Tim Bergling, the 23 - year-old producer and DJ who performs as Avicii. is also in Vegas Super 5,000 people 5,000 people there. It is a mixture of VIP and regular music fans. .

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