воскресенье, 10 августа 2014 г.

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Reacts quickly after the message informs, President Obama released a statement online:It is with a great sadness that I report on this tragic news, the day The Dark Knight Rises opens. At a midnight last night at the TDKR Century in Aurora, Colorado in Aurora, Colorado, entered a 'masked'the gunman cinema and opened fire in the middle of of an action scene, killing at least 12 people and injured nearly 60 others. A very tragic, sad, angry, history need to wake up to this morning download Release Lackey - Signable Docs 3.1.1 for free . The news came just around 2:00 Colorado time, and ever since non-stop coverage on CNN with updates from AP & Denver Post. I'm shocked anyone would want to do such a thing. Stay safe stay safe!

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