суббота, 4 октября 2014 г.

download 3D Geo Globe for free

3D Geo Globe

Travel & Local

Download .apk

This GPS tool shows an accurate NASA longitude latitude map projected onto a 3D globe of the earth. A small pink indicator circle pinpoints your current geo-location based on received GIS GPS data or on a triangular wi-fi calculation. Save a photo for mail or for album geo tagging.

User Manual and Features:

* tap the clock to toggle GMT & UTC displayed time and hidden.

* tap Lon & Lat (Latitude or Longitude) to display the pink indicator in the center. Tap again to switch conversion from Decimal Degree to DMS (Degrees, Minutes, Seconds).

Note: choosing this mode while flying transcontinental will show the earth rotating under the indicator.

* swipe to the east & west for a spinning globe, tap the globe to hold the current rotation.

* tap Alt (altitude) to switch from meter to feet (see feet ' character) or hidden. Same behavior for tapping though vAc (vertical accuracy) and hAc (horizontal accuracy) combined.

* tap on m/s (meter per second) speed will switch to kmh (kilometer per hour) and tap again to fps (feet per second) and to mph (miles per hour) and kn (nautical knots) and to blank

* The 'map it' button takes you to the respective google map in your browser or Maps app

* All of your settings will be saved automatically

Tip: The blank (hidden) options can be used for manipulation of the captured photos. Which info would you like to reveal?

Tap on the miniature © in the corner to find out about the author ... tap again to hide. All other buttons are suspended during this display.

The ©, 'map it' and 'photo' and switch background color button will not be captured by the photo option.

After clicking 'photo' you'll get a 'saved' or 'error' prompt, click again to activate the photo option anew.

Turn on GPS for best results!

Adobe AIR android 2.2 up


Download .apk

Award-winning First Shot Contest is back with Willem Dafoeknown Jameson Irish Whiskey, that the Short Film Competition, which is the largest breaks talented up-and-comers from the filmmaking world Jameson First Shot, back for a second year. After the success of the first year, than 5.6 than 5 download 3D Geo Globe 1.1 apk free .6 million times seen by the three award-winning films on YouTube, the competition three other exceptional writer / directors of the same three to explore: to explore: South Africa, Russia and the U.S. In 2013. Each winner will again be given the opportunity of a lifetime Willem Dafoe also, in their short film. With the support of the award-winning Trigger Street Productions It's time for Round 2 - ! Late last year, we have introduced a very unique filmmaking contest called Jameson First Shot, compiled by actor Kevin Spacey and producer Dana Brunetti, of Jameson Irish Whiskey sponsored that enter emerging filmmakers would the chance of a lifetime - a chance to make a movie with Kevin Spacey in it. First yearry successful first year, Jameson First Shot is back for another year of the competition. Both Spacey and Brunetti returned, but this time they are Willem Dafoe as Willem Dafoe as the star, with Spacey as Creative Director. Time to start writing your new writer! See below for details.

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