пятница, 1 августа 2014 г.

download EVPBOT APK



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PROOF POSITIVE ghosts exist!

A POWERFUL (VERY VOCAL) paranormal investigation tool. Version 3

It's not flashy or pretty. It's not a game either, this App was designed specifically to be useful for Paranormal Investigations.

This is a FULL VERSION of the revolutionary Ghost Hunting app called the EVPBOT. This vocal app automates the EVP sessions (electronic voice phenomenon) where it asks questions and records at the same time and saves the audio session to a file in your SmartPhone using MP4 format for downloading and easy analysis, or Android format. For proof positive, leave it in a quiet haunted area and leave. Come back in about 7 minutes and analyze the EVP session.

To round out the main function, this app also has speech to text capabilities for ghost dictation, direct yes / no ghost touch communication and sacred sounds to attract spirits of any kind.


This new version has two codecs to choose from (MP4 or Android) in the menu section. Select the Audio Settings on the pop up menu and select your codec.

The file is saved in MP4 format therefore you need the MP4 codec freely available on Google Play. MP4 is efficient and clear, perfect for EVP analysis and most Android phones have the MP4 codec yet some models may not, so you can pick the Android codec in that case. It's easy to do, just go to the pop up menu and select the Audio Settings.

Also check your settings for any permissions block like "Settings>Advanced Settings>Protect SD Card". Update the Android O/S if need be as it works best on Android 3.0 or better, preferably 4.1. This is a media intensive app, make sure excessive services are not running on your phone as well. The app has been thoroughly tested and works as described. You should have downloaded the free EVPBOT and put it through its paces first in order to make sure your phone codecs are compatible.


We at Moditronic were on our way to developing an electronic device that does everything the EVPBOT is designed for. Since the advent of Android we decided to move all our electronic engineering to software smartphone development. The Android platform allowed us to add functionality to the EVPBOT that would have cost hundreds of dollars if we made the unit in our lab. Functions such as the ParaDictation feature, where if an EVP answer is detected the screen would write down the answer as heard by the microphone, would have been very expensive with a dedicated electronic device.

We are in the process of designing electronic devices that would augment the functions of the EVPBOT. More to come in time.


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How do you follow up a triumphant, award-winning black and white silent film that Hollywood loves? Go back and remake of a 1948 film! French director Michel Hazanavicius war-torn and the two OSS 117 spy films, is reportedly lined up to a remake of the 1948 Fred Zinnemann movie lead The Search, but to update the setting to contemporary 'war-torn 'Chechnya EVPBOT 3.0 apk free download . Variety broke the news, which comes at a critical time when Hazanavicius and the artist are great for some Oscar nominations sought. But I also think it's quite fitting that Hazanavicius a classic B & W film remake chose for his next project. - Do not worry, for those of you who are not the biggest fans of the artist , or is not even a gamble at a B & W film promises Hazanavicius will be 'totally different from The Artist'and are in color. That sounds like a fascinating follow-up for Hazanavicius, and I am intrigued to see it no matter what. I 'm a big fan of him just after him at his press circuit for the artist, interview him and falls in love with his movie. He discussed a filmmaker in Hollywood and his next projects will be monitored closely, that's for sure. It also depends on how the Oscars play these next few months. We will keep an eye on them.

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