пятница, 1 августа 2014 г.

download Who's First? 1.0 apk free

Who's First?


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Can't decide who should go first? Who should go pick up the take out? Who buys the first round of drinks? Use this app to single somebody out. I wrote this to determine who would go first in a board game but it can be used anytime you just need to pick somebody for something, just tap the screen to get more questions.

If there is a tie or nobody wins just pick another question, there are over 100 different ways to pick somebody!

A widget is also included in the paid version for quick home screen access to the Person Picker.

If you have a suggestion for more questions or ways to pick somebody just email me, I would be glad to put it in a future update.

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When Fox learned Searchlight that the filmmakers would be able biopic Alfred Hitchcock behind her, by by this fall, the studio executives were thrilled. Was was Hitchcock, then enter the awards season derby, but the film starring Anthony Hopkins as the famous director could feast a splashy debut AFI download Who's First? 1.0 apk .

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