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Freddie Combs:. This 40 - year-old minister said he almost died a few years ago, if his weight topped. Now download iClearview apk free . Now slimmed down to a not very trim 540 pounds and bound to a wheelchair if no longer housebound, Combs said he wanted to hear his voice. He sang 'Wind Beneath My Wings 'dedication to his 'dear wife touched 'by 16 years. Reid called Combs' voice 'heavenly. 'Spears said the performance was'shockingly amazing. 'Lovato said she of the emotion behind the song was. Combs agreed eagerly. Reid said when Combs was, he would stand him. And the after acquiring Jas from all four judges and a compliment from a stagehands carried him down the stairs backstage, tearfully tearfully said, 'receiving four Jas is more than just a stamp for my talent, it 's a yes to my future It's a yes tied to my health and it's a yes to every other single person. 'And feels 'like her life is over,'and 'will not be better.
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