Punch Clock auto GPS Unlock
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This application unlocks Location Punch Clock Trial, which can be downloaded for free from the android market. Please try the free version before purchasing this unlock key.
Punch Clock GPS Timesheet seamlessly keeps a record of any entry and exit to your billable customer sites. You don’t even need to remember to use this application as it doing the work for you.
You only need to enter the name of your customer’s site at your next visit there. The location read from GPS or Wi-Fi will be stored and Location Punch Clock will keep track of time for that location from that moment and on.
Location Punch Clock can manage as many locations you need and so many entries and exits can be record during the same day enables you to create timesheet very easily.
Location Punch Clock does not track and record any locations accept your customer’s sites that you choose to track.
At any time you can produce a timesheet report for a chosen location or all locations during the period of time you have entered and mail it or open on other apps.
By using Location Punch Clock you can save money and avoid unnecessary embarrassment and time waist when the month ends.
Please notice that the free version will create reports until the last day of the following month start counting after the first entry event.
May fit time card, time clock, timecard, timeclock, timesheet or work time tracker.
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